Who we are

Hi there! I’m Bree, the owner of Be Me Pilates Studio.

I was first introduced to Pilates as a dancer in the early 2000s and fell in love right away. For the next 20 years, I took classes casually while pursuing dance and building my career in the nonprofit world. But in 2022, something shifted—I got serious.

Two years postpartum, my body no longer felt like my own. It was as if I had been handed a new shape, a few new sizes, and an entirely foreign experience of movement. I didn’t recognize myself. I was looking for a way to feel at home in my body again.

Then, I took my first private classical Pilates session—it was life-changing. I could feel my body waking up—muscles I hadn’t felt in years started firing again. After a C-section, I was stunned to literally feel my deep core reactivating. Some muscles responded instantly, while others took years, but the process of reconnecting to my body felt like a homecoming.

And then, something else clicked. I hadn’t taken a dance class in years, but suddenly, here was this classical repertoire—a system, a foundation, a path to mastery. Just like ballet and jazz, Pilates required concentration, control, and precision—but it felt freeing rather than rigid. I walked out of each session taller, stretched, and re-energized. Without even realizing it, I had rediscovered the feeling of dance I had been missing.

Hope to see you at Be Me Pilates Studio soon!
